An Introduction to Precision Teaching in Practice

Aoife McTiernan, Clare McDowell

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceOther


    Precision Teaching (PT) focuses on building skills to fluency and using a precise, data tracking system (the Standard Celeration Chart-SCC) that allows timely, informed educational decision making. PT literature reports that learners are more likely to retain and generalise skills taught to fluent rates of responding. This workshop will introduce participants to the basic principles and procedures of Precision Teaching, fluency-based instruction and the SCC. The use of Precision Teaching and the SCC as a data collection and decision-making tool that can be introduced to any educational programme will be demonstrated. In addition, the importance of using a clear data tracking system to ensure quality in the teaching process will be emphasized. Implications of focusing on fluency rather than accuracy only will be discussed with particular importance for educational outcomes. Participants will also be introduced to some more advanced aspects of Precision Teaching such as interpreting and making educational decisions based on ‘learning pictures’.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 27 Apr 2018
    EventThe Twelfth Annual Conference of the PSI Division of Behaviour Analysis - The Galway Bay Hotel, Galway, Ireland
    Duration: 27 Apr 201828 Apr 2018
    Conference number: 12th


    ConferenceThe Twelfth Annual Conference of the PSI Division of Behaviour Analysis


    • Precision teaching


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