An infrared sound and music controller for users with specific needs

Ben Challis, Kate Challis

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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The design and rationale behind a novel music and sound controller (“The Benemin”) is described. Using an array of eight low-cost infrared distance measuring sensors, the system enables users to trigger and manipulate sounds using MIDI messages. Although the controller can facilitate complex musical interaction, providing eight note polyphony and expressive control, the central theme of the project has been one of accessibility. The controller is designed to be used in a variety of settings by users with special needs and has been designed to be both intuitive to play and easy to set up. An ongoing programme of user testing is described and discussed alongside preliminary results.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2008
Event ArtAbilitation - Location unknown - please update
Duration: 8 Sept 20088 Sept 2008


Conference ArtAbilitation


  • music, sound, performance
  • disability, accessibility
  • novel musical instruments


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