A Psychologist's Journey into Occupational Therapy

Rachel Taylor, Leigh Abbott, Kate Morgan, Daniel S. Bowers

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


This project arose because practitioners in the South Wales Posture and Mobility Service (SWPMS) noticed that service users frequently did not use specific features on their wheelchairs, despite them being added for posture management and prevention of pressure ulcers.

The occupational therapists (OTs) in the team were interested in this because a growing body of evidence suggests that these features (tilt-in-space, recline and elevating leg rests) are clinically effective, and lack of use can lead to negative health benefits and/or additional costs to the NHS beyond the features themselves. The OTs wondered if there were psychological barriers which could explain users’ apparent disregard for clinical advice.

The psychologists in the team were interested in applying psychology theory to real problems, and felt that, in this case, social psychology might explain what was happening. This is because social psychology examines a person’s choices within the contexts of the influence of others, personal motivation, and experience or history.

To look at this further, we obtained funding from the Posture and Mobility Group (PMG) research fund and recruited a research assistant to the team.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPosture and Mobility Group Journal
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2019


  • Clinically prescribed seating functions


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