A novel tool showing that perceptions of adverse social relationships in childhood were linked with mental health problems and suicidal experiences: Validation of the English version of the History of Social Punishment (HoSP) scale

Ioannis Angelakis, Patricia Gooding

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    There is robust evidence for relationships between adverse events experienced in childhood and mental health problems experienced as an adult. However, the measurement of perceptions of different types of adverse relationships in childhood, especially those that are in social contexts, is lacking. Given the absence of an appropriate tool to measure perceptions of adverse social relationships in childhood within English-speaking populations, we endeavored to examine the construct validity of the English version of the History of Social Punishment (HoSP) scale. In total, 557 adults from the extant community participated by completing self-report scales that measured perceptions of adverse childhood relationships, symptoms of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), hoarding disorder (HD), body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), and suicidal experiences. Results demonstrated that the HoSP is a sound psychometric tool to evaluate perceptions of adverse social relationships within English-speaking populations. A strong association between perceptions of adverse social relationships in childhood, common mental health problems, and suicidal behaviors was established. These results provide robust evidence for the importance of screening for experiences of social adversities and for developing clinical interventions that directly target these experiences.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number112807
    JournalPsychiatry Research
    Early online date25 Jan 2020
    Publication statusPublished - 25 Jan 2020


    • Adverse social relationships
    • Mental health conditions
    • Self-report scale
    • Suicidal thoughts and behaviors


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