A New Presence-Learning Tool to Enhance the Learning Experience

Fiona Carroll, John Robinson, C. Woodward

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper describes the early stages in the development of a ‘Presence-Learning’ tool to enhance the learning experiences of students currently studying on an online MOODLE virtual learning environment (VLE). The main focus is on the concept of ‘Presence’ and how this can be integrated into the design of a Moodle VLE and particularly a web 2.0 chat tool in order to further engage and motivate students to learn and enjoy their e-learning experience. For this paper, the authors will analyse students experiences on the existing TRIO course (i.e. TRIO learning place) and in doing so will highlight the need for a chat tool to be inclusive (i.e. accessible from any page of the Moodle VLE course) and to recognize real-time ‘presence’ (i.e. who is online and present at any one time). At this early stage, current thoughts and preliminary results will be reported which will explore the rationale, the design and the development of the ‘Presence-learning’ tool. This paper will discuss a learner centred approach and will be of particular interest to practitioners and researchers in the fields of e-learning, HCI and Presence.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2008
Event HCI workshop for Technology Enhanced Learning - John Moore University
Duration: 1 Sept 20081 Sept 2008


Conference HCI workshop for Technology Enhanced Learning


  • vle
  • presence
  • learner autonomy


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