Development of an innovation plan for effectively addressing Alcohol Related Brain Damage in Wales

Project Details


In 2021 Welsh Government published a substance misuse treatment framework for ARBD co-authored by Professors Gareth Roderique-Davies and Bev John.

This project focusses on developing an innovation plan to implement the key recommendations of this framework focussing on four key areas: Implementation and evaluation of a tiered ARBD training program across various healthcare settings; Evaluation and optimisation of a dedicated ARBD residential rehabilitation service; Validation of a screening tool for improved identification of individuals living with, or at risk of, ARBD; Design and implement a service pathway for individuals with ARBD within Wales that is transferrable across health boards and locations.

Key findings

This project has enabled the team to developed vital partnerships from health services, third sector organisations and government policy makers that will allow us to pursue the next phase of development and implementation of the innovation plan.
Effective start/end date1/07/2431/12/24


  • addictions