Rachel Grainger

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

Main teaching areas: I am module leader for a number of modules, including GC4S05: Research and Practice in the Creative Industries (a generic MA module), DG3S224: Critical Research and DG1S12: Design in Context and I teach on several undergraduate modules. I am also a Ph.D. supervisor.
Research interests: The history of advertising, political advertising, propaganda, advertising the history of design and visual culture.
Current research activity: At present, I am researching nostalgia in political advertising and the representation of female politicians in political advertising and the media.
3 Oct 2001- 1June 2003 Part-time Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University.
April 2000- April 2002 Part-time Lecturer, The University of Salford.
I lead undergraduate contextual studies modules on practice-based BA (Hons.) programmes and teach at postgraduate level. My academic duties also include curriculum development, second-marking, moderating, liaising with the external examiner and franchise colleges, attending meetings, sitting on committees and undertaking research. I am, at present, a member of the FCI’s FRPC committee and I have been a member of the faculty’s FRASAC and RAP committees previously. I am also a FCI Representative for the Academic Board. My strong commitment to research informs my teaching. Allied to that, I have supervised one Ph.D. to completion and I welcome Ph.D. students in the areas of advertising, political advertising, visual culture and the history of design. I am also a HEA Fellowship mentor and assessor on behalf of the University of South Wales.
Grainger, R. & Minier, M. (2019). ‘A paratextual analysis of Nurturing Opera Audiences: Transmedia practices, interactivity and historical interpretation in the Welsh National Opera’s promotion of the “Tudors Trilogy”’, Participations, Journal of Audience and & Reception Studies, May, Vol. 16, (1).
Grainger, R. (2012). ‘A Propaganda of Commodities: Militarism in British Advertising’, Margarita Kefalaki and Yorgo Pasadeos (Eds.), Challenges in International Communication, Atiner, 303-309.
Grainger, R. (2010). ‘The Obama 1984 YouTube Advert: Dystopia Imagined.’ Pasadeos, Y. (Ed.), Advances in Mass Media Research. Atiner, 191-203.
Grainger, R. (2009). ‘Artistic Creativity: British Posters and Print Advertising during the 1970s.’ Pasadeos, Y. (Ed.), Variety in Mass Communication Research. Atiner, 205-218.
Grainger, R. (2007). ‘Saatchi & Saatchi and the Transformation of British Political Advertising: A Social Semiotic Analysis of the Conservative Party’s 1979 General Election Poster and Print Advertising.’ Pasadeos, Y. (Ed.), International Dimensions of Mass Media Research, Atiner, 133-155.
Standen, I. & R. Grainger. (2006). ‘Education for Sustainable Development: Earth House.’ About Wales, Civic Trust, July 2007, 19-21.
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Member of the Reviewers’ Board of the ‘Athens Journal of Mass Media & Communications’, see https://www.athensjournals.gr/ajmmcrb
My conference papers include:
Grainger, R. (2018). ‘The Empty Cradle: The Othering of Childless Female Politicians’ PSA Media Politics and Annual Group Conference, at he University of Nottingham.
Grainger, R. (2018). ‘Making Contextual Studies More Visible: The Creative Endeavours Symposium at the University of South Wales’. W**CHCRAFT Graphic Design Educators Network Conference, at the University of Northumbria.
Grainger, R. (2015). ‘Encouraging Transformation Through Nostalgia in British General Election Posters and other Printed Campaign Texts’. Mediating Democracy Conference, Political Studies Association, Media and Politics Annual Conference.
Grainger, R., Minier, M. (2015) ‘Marketing the Tudors: Interactivity and Historical Interpretation in Marketing Strategies: the Welsh National Opera’s ‘Tudor Trilogy’ (2013).’ Representing the Tudors, University of South Wales. (Panel Presentation). Impact: http://www.walesartsreview.org/representing-the-tudors/
Grainger, R. (2012). ‘The LABOUR ISN’T WORKING. poster’. Picturing Politics. The University of Nottingham, at the People’s History Museum, Manchester.
Grainger, R. (2012). ‘Defined by a Pun: Humour in the Conservative Party’s 1979 Election Posters.’ 10th International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, Athens Institute for Education and Research (forthcoming).
Grainger, R. (2011). ‘A Propaganda of Commodities: Militarism in British Advertising.’ 9th International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, Athens Institute for Education and Research.
Grainger, R. (2010). ‘The Obama 1984 YouTube Advert: Dystopia Imagined.’ 8th International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, Athens Institute for Education and Research.
Grainger, R. (2009), ‘Returning to the Object of Study.’ The Go Between (conference), Atrium, University of Glamorgan.
Grainger, R. (2008). ‘Artistic Creativity: British Posters and Print Advertising during the 1970s.’ 6th International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, Athens Institute for Education and Research.
Grainger, R. (2007). ‘Saatchi & Saatchi and the Transformation of British Political Advertising: A Social Semiotic Analysis of the Conservative Party’s 1979 General Election Poster and Print Advertising.’ 5th International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, Athens Institute for Education and Research.
Grainger, R. (2006). ‘The Visual Rhetoric of the Conservative Party’s 1979 General Election Poster and Print Advertising: A Social Semiotic Analysis.’ Rhetoric in Society 2006, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Standen, I. & R. Grainger. (2006). ‘Earth House: Nurturing a Creative Response to Sustainability Issues – a Live Project.’ Global Built Environment Network (GBEN), University of Central Lancashire.
Grainger, R. (2001). ‘The Visual Rhetoric of the Conservative Party’s 1979 General Election Poster LABOUR ISN’T WORKING. : A Social Semiotic Analysis.’ Political Studies Association (PSA), Loughborough University

Education/Academic qualification

History of Design, PhD, ‘The Visual Rhetoric of the Conservative Party’s 1979 General Election Poster and Print Advertising: A Social Semiotic Analysis’, Manchester Metropolitan University

Award Date: 5 Jan 2005


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