12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Bridie Jones with the persons below:
Mark Davies
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education - Head of Learning, Teaching and Student Experience
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education, Health, Care, and Well-Being Research and Innovation Group
Person: Academic
Ray Higginson
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education - Senior Lecturer - Adult Physiology
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education, Health, Care, and Well-Being Research and Innovation Group
Person: Academic
Joyce Kenkre
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education - Emeritus Professor
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education, Health, Care, and Well-Being Research and Innovation Group
Person: Academic
Mark Llewellyn
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education - Head of the Welsh Institute for Heath & Social Care
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education, Health, Care, and Well-Being Research and Innovation Group
Person: Academic
Sara Morgan
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education - Senior Lecturer - Advanced Practice
Person: Academic
Ruth Northway
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education - Emeritus Professor
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education, Health, Care, and Well-Being Research and Innovation Group
Person: Academic
Ben Pitcher
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education - Senior Lecturer - Adult / Specialist Lead Medicines Management
Person: Academic
David Pontin
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education - Emeritus Professor
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education, Health, Care, and Well-Being Research and Innovation Group
Person: Academic
Llinos Spencer
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education - Senior Research Fellow
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education, Health, Care, and Well-Being Research and Innovation Group
Person: Academic
Emma Tonkin
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education - Associate Professor
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education, Health, Care, and Well-Being Research and Innovation Group
Person: Academic
Meirion Williams
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education - Senior Lecturer - Advanced Practice
Person: Academic