Welsh Parliament Health and Social Care Committee invited witness

    Press/Media: Expert Comment

    Period19 May 2022

    Media contributions


    Media contributions

    • TitleWelsh Parliament Health and Social Care Committee
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/outletSenedd.tv
      Media typeWeb
      Duration/Length/Size1 hour
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionMental Health inequalities: evidence session with Professor Carolyn Wallace, Wales School for Social Prescribing Research (WSSPR). Start time 9.30am.The evidence session is part of the Committee's inquiry on mental health inequalities focused in particular on community solutions and social prescribing. This was a theme that came through very strongly in the written evidence and focus groups the Committee had previously conducted. Members asked questions and explored these issues with CW. Broadly the session fell within these following headings.

       About WSSPR
       Social prescribing and mental health
       Social prescribing activity in Wales
       Evidence of effectiveness
       Engaging stakeholders
       Vulnerable groups

      PersonsCarolyn Wallace


    • social prescribing
    • witness
    • Welsh Parliament