USW Students learn sign language to provide inclusive access to music

Press/Media: Other


As signing is becoming more familiar and common place in many areas of society, this valuable lecture was arranged to help students further promote the signing of music, through their work as creative arts practitioners.

In addition, learning music signing will contribute greatly to the employability of the students who took part due to the evolving field of inclusion in mainstream education, as well as feeding into elements of well-being and personal and social education in the curriculum.

Period10 Feb 2014

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleUSW Students learn sign language to provide inclusive access to music
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletUSW
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionAs signing is becoming more familiar and common place in many areas of society, this valuable lecture was arranged to help students further promote the signing of music, through their work as creative arts practitioners.

    In addition, learning music signing will contribute greatly to the employability of the students who took part due to the evolving field of inclusion in mainstream education, as well as feeding into elements of well-being and personal and social education in the curriculum.
    PersonsBeth Pickard


  • music
  • sign language
  • access
  • communication
  • employability