Study shines a light on gambling in Wales

Press/Media: Public Engagement Activities


Story in the South Wales Argus reporting on the launch of a new study "An Investigation of the social impact of problem gambling in Wales" jointly funded by the University of South Wales and a consortium of 5 Welsh Assembly Members.  

Period15 Nov 2017

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleNewspaper Article in the South Wales Argus 'Study shines a light on gambling in Wales'
    Degree of recognitionRegional
    Media name/outletSouth Wales Argus
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionSouth Wales Argus news article by Ian Craig on the new research study "An Investigation of the social impact of problem gambling in Wales" which has been co-funded by USW and a consortium of 5 Assembly Members. The article quotes project co-lead Professor Bev John.
    Producer/AuthorIan Craig
    PersonsBev John


  • gambling
  • addiction
  • problem gambling
  • Wales