The Football Association Wales Trust (FAWT) and The University of South Wales as Partners: Football Coaching and Performance Work Placements

  • Benjamin Stanway (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentation


    With new graduates finding it hard to gain graduate level jobs, whilst trying to break into the sector they specialise in (Helyer and Lee, 2014), employers, as partners, need to offer a healthy thriving environment, offer developmental support, and enable students to gain relevant experience. In combination with the role of the employers, the students are required have the right attitude and aptitude to work, possess a basic skill set, with some relevant experience in the role they wish to pursue (Lewis, 2017). To support the students gain employment and develop the skills necessary, universities should embed the industry work placement opportunities within their curricula, whilst working closely with key partners.

    The aim of the research is to evaluate and reflect on the opportunities created by the collaboration of the university and the work placement host organisation.
    Period23 Jun 2022
    Event titleUSW Learning and Teaching Conference 2022: USW 2030 Strategy in action: engagement and collaboration at USW
    Event typeConference
    Degree of RecognitionLocal


    • Collaboration
    • Partnership
    • Employability
    • Development
    • Coaching
    • Performance