For the International Day of Women and Girls in Science Rachael Medhurst, MSc Applied Cyber Security Course Leader and Digital Forensic Lecturer, talks about her work👇
🖊️ What is it about cyber you love?
Cyber is a fascinating subject area. There is a huge amount of information to learn and constant changes to stay up to date with. This presents new challenges which utilise a range of skills and provides variety within the role.
🖊️ What kind of person would suit a career in cyber?
Due to the wide variety of jobs available within cyber, there’s a range of individuals who would suit this industry. However, due to the fast nature of cyber, an individual needs to be motivated to learn.
They require a lot of commitment to stay up to date with an ever-changing industry but, this in turn means every day is different. There’s a range of soft skills that are also vital within the industry, including presentation, communication, attention to detail, unique thinking, report writing, and problem-solving, to name a few.
🖊️ What is your strength or talent?
Although I’ve been exposed to a range of different aspects of cyber throughout my education and career, my key strength and talent lie within digital forensics.
This gives me the ability to pay close attention to detail, using different investigative skills on a range of sources of evidence, including computers, phones, cloud, vehicles, etc. How this data can be used to assist law enforcement and organisations when facing a cyber incident has always been my true passion.
🖊️ What are you working on at the moment?
I currently teach BSc and MSc Applied Cyber Security on modules such as Advanced Digital Forensic Techniques, Mobile Device Forensics, Incident Response and Management, and Digital Crime Scene Management.
Alongside this, I'm researching and writing a paper on Vehicle Forensics for The Conversation and working in partnership with Tarian RCCU (Regional Cyber Crime Unit) on remote wiping when handling mobile devices.
🖊️ Why does the world need this?
Due to the development in technology, which has advanced our everyday lives, there is a range of cyber threats that can have huge detrimental impacts on organisations, governments, and individuals. Therefore, we must develop skills to handle cyber security concerns presented by these new technologies to ensure we are protected.
🖊️ What do you enjoy most about it?
The new challenges with the developments of technology leads to more learning, development and problem-solving when handling digital forensic cases, which makes the role interesting and varied. The best thing my skills offer me is being able to make a difference, which has been seen with my police and teaching work.
🖊️ Tell us about the best moment you’ve had as part of your work when you’ve thought: I LOVE what I do!
As a Digital Forensic Investigator, I worked on a range of high-end cases that resulted in attending court as an expert witness. Having the first suspect prosecuted due to the investigation I completed was a great moment, a real sense of achievement
With these skills and others, I'm continuing to learn. I’m able to develop the next generation of cyber specialists in Higher Education. Witnessing students' growth in higher education, their graduation, and development within their careers is a very rewarding experience.
#InternationalDayOfWomenAndGirlsInScience #WomenInScience
🖊️ What is it about cyber you love?
Cyber is a fascinating subject area. There is a huge amount of information to learn and constant changes to stay up to date with. This presents new challenges which utilise a range of skills and provides variety within the role.
🖊️ What kind of person would suit a career in cyber?
Due to the wide variety of jobs available within cyber, there’s a range of individuals who would suit this industry. However, due to the fast nature of cyber, an individual needs to be motivated to learn.
They require a lot of commitment to stay up to date with an ever-changing industry but, this in turn means every day is different. There’s a range of soft skills that are also vital within the industry, including presentation, communication, attention to detail, unique thinking, report writing, and problem-solving, to name a few.
🖊️ What is your strength or talent?
Although I’ve been exposed to a range of different aspects of cyber throughout my education and career, my key strength and talent lie within digital forensics.
This gives me the ability to pay close attention to detail, using different investigative skills on a range of sources of evidence, including computers, phones, cloud, vehicles, etc. How this data can be used to assist law enforcement and organisations when facing a cyber incident has always been my true passion.
🖊️ What are you working on at the moment?
I currently teach BSc and MSc Applied Cyber Security on modules such as Advanced Digital Forensic Techniques, Mobile Device Forensics, Incident Response and Management, and Digital Crime Scene Management.
Alongside this, I'm researching and writing a paper on Vehicle Forensics for The Conversation and working in partnership with Tarian RCCU (Regional Cyber Crime Unit) on remote wiping when handling mobile devices.
🖊️ Why does the world need this?
Due to the development in technology, which has advanced our everyday lives, there is a range of cyber threats that can have huge detrimental impacts on organisations, governments, and individuals. Therefore, we must develop skills to handle cyber security concerns presented by these new technologies to ensure we are protected.
🖊️ What do you enjoy most about it?
The new challenges with the developments of technology leads to more learning, development and problem-solving when handling digital forensic cases, which makes the role interesting and varied. The best thing my skills offer me is being able to make a difference, which has been seen with my police and teaching work.
🖊️ Tell us about the best moment you’ve had as part of your work when you’ve thought: I LOVE what I do!
As a Digital Forensic Investigator, I worked on a range of high-end cases that resulted in attending court as an expert witness. Having the first suspect prosecuted due to the investigation I completed was a great moment, a real sense of achievement
With these skills and others, I'm continuing to learn. I’m able to develop the next generation of cyber specialists in Higher Education. Witnessing students' growth in higher education, their graduation, and development within their careers is a very rewarding experience.
#InternationalDayOfWomenAndGirlsInScience #WomenInScience
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