Tibolone and climacteric symptoms

Linda Ross, Elisabeth Alder

Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid


Tibolone (Livial) has advantages over other forms of hormone replacement therapy (HRT); it is easy to use and does not induce withdrawal bleeding in postmenopausal women. The evidence for the effect of tibolone on climacteric symptoms is reviewed and shows that tibolone is effective in reducing vasomotor symptoms and vaginal dryness. Tibolone's effect on a range of other symptoms such as headache and insomnia is unclear. There are reports that tibolone improves mood and libido but much of this research is methodologically flawed. Methodologically sound research is required to investigate tibolone's effect on mood and libido; such a study is in progress.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Tudalennau (o-i)127-136
Nifer y tudalennau10
Rhif cyhoeddi2
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs)
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 1995

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