Thermodynamic Properties of Real Porous Combustion Reactor under Diesel Engine-Like Conditions

Talal Maksoud, Miroslaw Weclas, Jochen Cypris

Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

42 Wedi eu Llwytho i Lawr (Pure)


Thermodynamic conditions of the heat release process under Diesel engine-like conditions in a real porous combustion reactor
simulated in a special combustion chamber were analyzed. The same analyses were performed for a free volume combustion
chamber, that is, no porous reactor is applied. A common rail Diesel injection system was used for simulation of real engine fuel
injection process and mixture formation conditions. The results show that thermodynamic of the heat release process depends
on reactor heat capacity, pore density, specific surface area, and pore structure, that is, on heat accumulation in solid phase of
porous reactor. In real reactor, the gas temperature and porous reactor temperature are not equal influenced by initial pressure
and temperature and by reactor parameters. It was found that the temperature of gas trapped in porous reactor volume during
the heat release process is less dependent on air-to-fuel-ratio than that observed for free volume combustion chamber, while the maximum combustion temperature in porous reactor is significantly low. As found this temperature depends on reactor heat capacity, mixture formation conditions and on initial pressure. Qualitative behavior of heat release process in porous reactors and in free volume combustion chamber is similar, also the time scale of the process.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Nifer y tudalennau11
CyfnodolynJournal of Thermodynamics
Rhif cyhoeddi1
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs)
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 15 Ion 2012

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