The recent ISKO-UK conference considered the question of whether the traditional thesaurus has any place in modern information retrieval. This note is intended to continue in the spirit of that good-natured debate, arguing that there is indeed a role today and highlighting some recent work showing the continued relevance of the thesaurus, particularly in the linked data area. Key functionality that a thesaurus makes possible is discussed. A brief outline is provided of prominent work that employs thesauri in three key areas of infrastructure underpinning advanced retrieval functionality today: metadata enrichment, vocabulary mapping and web services.
Iaith wreiddiol | Saesneg |
Tudalennau (o-i) | 174-179 |
Nifer y tudalennau | 6 |
Cyfnodolyn | Knowledge Organization |
Cyfrol | 43 |
Rhif cyhoeddi | 3 |
Statws | Cyhoeddwyd - 27 Ebr 2016 |