1. Embryonic mouse spinal cord neurones were maintained in a primary dissociated culture with a medium free from antibiotics.
2. Intracellular recordings were made and the effects of local application of the neuropeptide FMRFamide were tested on selected neurones. Two types of response were seen.
3. One response was depolarizing, with an accompanying decrease in conductance. This response was probably caused by a reduction in permeability to potassium ions.
4. The second type of response was accompanied by an increase in conductance. Such responses showed a wide variation in their reversal potentials between different neurones. A combination of permeability changes to sodium and chloride ions appeared to be responsible for these responses.
Iaith wreiddiol | Saesneg |
Tudalennau (o-i) | 383-387 |
Nifer y tudalennau | 5 |
Cyfnodolyn | Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C, Comparative Pharmacology |
Cyfrol | 79 |
Rhif cyhoeddi | 2 |
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs) | |
Statws | Cyhoeddwyd - 1984 |
Cyhoeddwyd yn allanol | Ie |