Pulverised fuel ash: how we can recycle the dirty byproduct from coal-fired power stations

Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyhoeddiad arbenigolErthygl


The ash from burning coal in coal-fired power stations lies in thousands of landfills around the world. This waste material, generally considered a hazard, is now being put to good use in the construction industry.

More than 6,000 coal-fired power stations produce this powdery byproduct, which is properly known as “pulverised fuel ash” (PFA) or “fly ash”. Traditionally, it was released into the atmosphere from the smoke stack after the coal was burned, but, because of its effect on air quality, it is now captured and stored in landfills.

Our research focuses on how we can recycle and make best use of these types of dirty byproducts for the sake of the environment.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Cyhoeddiad arbenigolThe Conversation
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 1 Medi 2023

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