Exploring how the Spiritual Needs of Dementia Patients are Addressed within Care and Treatment Plans (CTPs) in Three Health Boards in Wales

Anne Fothergill

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPosteradolygiad gan gymheiriaid


    Background to this study was the Mental Health Measure and the Care and Treatment Plans (CTPs) (2010) and key reports i.e. the Francis (2013) Report and Andrews Report (2014).

    The aim of the study was to ascertain how the spiritual needs of patients living with Dementia are addressed within the CTPs in three Health Boards in Wales.

    1. Analyse dementia patients’ CTPs, from community mental health teams (CMHT) and in-patient wards.
    2. To compare Domain 7 with the other domains of the CTP.
    3. To conduct focus groups with staff to explore their views on completing Domain 7; this will be compared with the written CTP.

    The research study was conducted from January 2016 – December 2016. Ethically approved. Research Centres were Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB), Cwm Taf University Health Board (CTUHB) and Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board (ABMULHB).

    Phase 1. Literature review of spiritual care in dementia.
    Phase 2. Thematic analysis of Domain 7 of a purposive sample of 150 CTPs (with Domain 7 completed) collected from older persons CMHTs and wards in 3 Health Boards to identify how spiritual needs were addressed, how often CTPs were updated (if they are) and by whom. The content of Domain 7 was compared with the other domains (for content, volume, and frequency/method of evaluation).
    Phase 3. Focus groups with health care professionals to explore emerging themes identified in Phase 2.

    Collected 150 CTPs: 50 from each Health Board.
    CTUHB 25 Community, 25 Hospital
    ABMULHB 25 Community, 25 Hospital
    ABUHB 11 Community, 39 Hospital

    All CTPs retrieved had Domain 7 completed. Analysis primarily conducted on Domain 7 (Social, Cultural, Spiritual). Social aspects of care were well documented. Staff encouraged patients to engage in meaningful activities and maintain social connections with family and staff.

    Eight themes emerged. These were: 1. Religion/ Religious beliefs; 2. Social connections with family, friends and neighbours; 3. Social connections with staff/paid workers and volunteers; 4. Meaningful activities (e.g. photos, memory books, watching TV, hobbies, and work-related activities); 5. Support for family and carers; 6. Culture; 7 Person centred care and 8. Considered but no detail given.

    Staff recognised that spirituality was broader than a person’s religious affiliation, but capturing this on the CTP was difficult. Staff expressed in focus groups, that Domain 7 was the least completed of all the 8 domains. The entire CTP needs to be analysed because this documented what person-centred care is and was not specific to one domain.

    Domain 7 and especially spiritual needs were seen as important by staff and care coordinators in focus group interviews. Providing good spiritual care will impact on the well-being of persons living with dementia and will enable person-centred care to be delivered. For good spiritual care to be documented in the CTPs and delivered staff expressed that further training would be beneficial, especially some guidance on what questions to ask around spiritual needs or prompts they could use.

    A scoping exercise was conducted before the main study, which was funded by WISERD.
    Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
    StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 19 Gorff 2018
    DigwyddiadWISERD conference University of South Wales -
    Hyd: 19 Gorff 2018 → …


    CynhadleddWISERD conference University of South Wales
    Cyfnod19/07/18 → …

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