Summary of Findings
Key findings in relation to what is effective about ALN transformation work in the SEWC region, with specific reference to the work of the ALN Transformation Lead are as follows:
• There was a consensus amongst all stakeholders that the way in which ALN transformation work has been organised is highly effective.
• The tiered organisation of support is effective, particularly the creation of Regional ALNCos working with cluster groups in education and ALN Champions working across children’s services in health.
• Regular meetings across the region have been useful in ensuring consistency in the understanding and implementation of important practices related to ALN reform
• An important rationale for ALN transformation work has been to co-construct practices as a way of empowering stakeholders across agencies.
• ALN transformation work has provided stakeholders with reassuring experiences of coming together.
Key findings in relation to what is less effective about ALN transformation work in the SEWC region are as follows:
• The delay in the finalisation of the ALN Code for Wales is seen as a barrier to stakeholders being able to prepare fully for change.
• Some stakeholder groups noted a focus on gaining views, rather than providing clear direction and final decisions, particularly in relation to ALN documentation.
• ALN transformation work has been very effective in engaging ALN specialists, but has been less effective in engaging non-specialist staff, including leaders in schools.
Key findings in relation to stakeholders’ priorities for future ALN transformation work are as follows:
• Head teachers and other leaders, such as challenge advisors, should be the focus of any future work.
• The focus of ALN transformation work has been early years, but now needs to shift to post-16 education and support.
• Support is needed for stakeholder groups who have so far been less engaged in ALN transformation work, for example, non-specialists in schools and parents.
• Additional funding is required for roll-out of the new ‘health team around a school’ model and for the development of digital on-line systems and resources, particularly in health.
• Funding to support planning and preparation for the ALN Act should continue once the Act comes into force.
Key findings in relation to what is effective about ALN transformation work in the SEWC region, with specific reference to the work of the ALN Transformation Lead are as follows:
• There was a consensus amongst all stakeholders that the way in which ALN transformation work has been organised is highly effective.
• The tiered organisation of support is effective, particularly the creation of Regional ALNCos working with cluster groups in education and ALN Champions working across children’s services in health.
• Regular meetings across the region have been useful in ensuring consistency in the understanding and implementation of important practices related to ALN reform
• An important rationale for ALN transformation work has been to co-construct practices as a way of empowering stakeholders across agencies.
• ALN transformation work has provided stakeholders with reassuring experiences of coming together.
Key findings in relation to what is less effective about ALN transformation work in the SEWC region are as follows:
• The delay in the finalisation of the ALN Code for Wales is seen as a barrier to stakeholders being able to prepare fully for change.
• Some stakeholder groups noted a focus on gaining views, rather than providing clear direction and final decisions, particularly in relation to ALN documentation.
• ALN transformation work has been very effective in engaging ALN specialists, but has been less effective in engaging non-specialist staff, including leaders in schools.
Key findings in relation to stakeholders’ priorities for future ALN transformation work are as follows:
• Head teachers and other leaders, such as challenge advisors, should be the focus of any future work.
• The focus of ALN transformation work has been early years, but now needs to shift to post-16 education and support.
• Support is needed for stakeholder groups who have so far been less engaged in ALN transformation work, for example, non-specialists in schools and parents.
• Additional funding is required for roll-out of the new ‘health team around a school’ model and for the development of digital on-line systems and resources, particularly in health.
• Funding to support planning and preparation for the ALN Act should continue once the Act comes into force.
Iaith wreiddiol | Saesneg |
Corff comisiynu | EAS |
Nifer y tudalennau | 27 |
Statws | Cyhoeddwyd - 31 Mai 2020 |