Study shines a light on gambling in Wales

Y Wasg / Cyfryngau: Digwyddiadau Ymgysylltu a’r Cyhoedd


Story in the South Wales Argus reporting on the launch of a new study "An Investigation of the social impact of problem gambling in Wales" jointly funded by the University of South Wales and a consortium of 5 Welsh Assembly Members.  

Cyfnod15 Tach 2017

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Sylw ar y cyfryngau

  • TeitlNewspaper Article in the South Wales Argus 'Study shines a light on gambling in Wales'
    Graddau amlygrwyddRhanbarthol
    Enw cyfrwng / allfaSouth Wales Argus
    Math y cyfrwngGwe
    Gwlad/TiriogaethY Deyrnas Unedig
    Dyddiad cyhoeddi15/11/17
    Cynhyrchydd / AwdurIan Craig
    UnigolionBev John